Query Execution

To see a list of latent queries in the KB, load its .flr file into the Text Editor, then click the Queries tab to launch the Queries plugin. The list of available latent queries defined in the .flr file will be displayed in the Queries window. See Fig. 194 for a list of latent queries in family.flr as shown in the Queries window.

List of latent queries from family.flr

Fig. 194 List of latent queries from family.flr

To execute a query, simply click to higlight it and press Execute, as illustrated in Fig. 195.

Query ’What are all the grandparent/grandson pairs?’ is selected to be executed

Fig. 195 Query ’What are all the grandparent/grandson pairs?’ is selected to be executed

If there are unsaved changes made to the .flr file in the Text Editor, a dialog window will pop up asking if the changes are to be saved before query execution. To save the changes before querying, check the unsaved file and press OK, as illustrated in Fig. 196.

Dialog window asking to save changes before query execution

Fig. 196 Dialog window asking to save changes before query execution

During query execution, a progress window pops up with diagnostics statements. This window goes away when the query is done. The Query results plugin automatically launches to display the query results. To see more details on the Query Results plugin, please refer to Section Query Results.

Results for query ’What are all the grandparent/granson pairs?’ are shown in **Query Results**

Fig. 197 Results for query ’What are all the grandparent/granson pairs?’ are shown in Query Results