Query Execution from Sunflower Console

Queries can also be executed from the Sunflower Console plugin. In this plugin window, one interacts with Flora directly using Flora style statements. For example, to execute the query ’Who are Bettys siblings?’, click the Sunflower Console tab to launch the plugin. Then at the Flora prompt ?-, type:

?- Betty [sibling -> ?Sibling].

This is shown in Fig. 209. Press the Enter key on the keyboard to start the query execution.

Execute a query in the **Sunflower Console** window

Fig. 209 Execute a query in the Sunflower Console window

Query results returned are displayed directly in the Sunflower Console window, as shown in Fig. 210.

Query results in the **Sunflower Console** window

Fig. 210 Query results in the Sunflower Console window