Fail to create the parts controls ErrorΒΆ

During your Sunflower installation, if you come across an error which says “Failed to create the parts controls”, as in Fig. 304, you may want to try closing all opened text editor tabs, as highlighted in Fig. 305.

Failed to create parts controls error

Fig. 304 Failed to create parts controls error during Sunflower installation

Close all opened text editor tabs in **Sunflower**

Fig. 305 Close all opened text editor tabs in Sunflower

When the opened text editor tabs are closed, the error will also disappear, as shown in Fig. 306, and the Sunflower GUI can now be used as normal to create and edit projects.

Error disappears from **Sunflower** GUI after closing opened text editor tabs

Fig. 306 Error disappears from Sunflower GUI after closing opened text editor tabs

Another way to fix this error is to switch to a new workspace. You can do this by using the switch workspace option from the main navigation menu, as in Fig. 307.

Option to switch to a new workspace

Fig. 307 Option to switch to a new workspace

After choosing the switch workspace option, the select workspace dialog lets you specify the path to your new workspace. This can be seen in Fig. 308.

Specify path to new workspace dialog

After clicking OK to switch to a new workspace, Sunflower will restart, and you will be guided back to the accept end user agreement step.