.. _section-Query execution using data records from a MySQL data base: Query execution using data records from a MySQL data base ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Highlight another query from family\_db.flr, for example, the TestMan query, and press **Execute**. The query uses the MySQL connection established by OpenDB, retrieves records from the table **men**, and produces a list of results as shown in :numref:`figure-test-man.png`. .. _figure-test-man.png: .. figure:: ../../figs/test-man.png :alt: A list of men from MySQL data base: **floradb** A list of men from MySQL data base: **floradb** You can verify these results with a terminal MySQL interface. For example, in a command tool window on Windows, or a terminal window on the Mac, launch the MySQL interface by typing: .. code-block:: flora Path-to-your-MySQL-installation/bin/mysql -u florauser -pflorapass Then at the MySQL prompt, type: .. code-block:: flora use floradb; select * from men; and you should see the same 2 records in the **men** table, as shown in :numref:`figure-men-table.png`. .. _figure-men-table.png: .. figure:: ../../figs/men-table.png :alt: Records from the MySQL **men** table Records from the MySQL **men** table Highlight the query TestBirthdate and press **Execute**. This query retrieves records from 2 MySQL tables: **men** and **women**, and produces a combined list of all birthdates, as shown in :numref:`figure-test-birthdate.png`. .. _figure-test-birthdate.png: .. figure:: ../../figs/test-birthdate.png :alt: Results for query TestBirthdate Results for query TestBirthdate