.. _section-Sunflower UI Overview: Sunflower UI Overview ===================== The **Sunflower** GUI has the following main parts: - main navigation toolbar - project navigator window - Text Editor window - plugin tabs - plugin’s primary window - plugin’s secondary window .. _figure-Sunflower-GUI-file-navigator-text-editor-plugins.png: .. figure:: ../figs/Sunflower-GUI-file-navigator-text-editor-plugins.png :alt: The **Sunflower** GUI The **Sunflower** GUI On the left side of the **Sunflower** GUI is the project navigator, as shown in :numref:`figure-Sunflower-GUI-file-navigator-text-editor-plugins.png`. New projects can be created or brought into the project navigation window using the main navigation menu option **File**. Similarly, new Flora ontologies can be added to existing **Sunflower** projects in this window. Other file types can also be added and their corresponding viewer applications launched from the **Sunflower File** option. All new projects and files added to **Sunflower** are shown and can be selected from the project navigation window. On the top right is the **Text Editor**. When a file is selected in the project navigation window, this window shows the contents of the currently selected file. In the middle is a row of tabs, one for each of **Sunflower**’s plugins. These tabs are discussed in their individual sections as follow: - Sunflower Console - Sections :ref:`section-Debugging in Sunflower Console` and :ref:`section-Query Execution from Sunflower Console` - Predicate Dependencies - Section :ref:`section-Predicate Dependencies` - KB Graph - Section :ref:`section-KB Graph` - Import Graph - Section :ref:`section-Import Graph` - Problems - Section :ref:`section-Syntax Error Reporting` - KB Editor - Sections :ref:`section-KB Editor for Content Browsing` and :ref:`section-KB Editor for Content Editing` - KB Search - Section :ref:`section-KB Search` - Queries - Section :ref:`section-Queries` - Query Results - Section :ref:`section-Query Results` On the bottom left is the primary window of the currently active plugin. It displays the plugin’s view of the selected file. For example, this window in :numref:`figure-Sunflower-GUI-file-navigator-text-editor-plugins.png` shows the selected ontology file family.flr from the perspective of the **KB Editor**. To the right of the plugin’s primary window is the plugin’s secondary window. As in the case of the **KB Editor** plugin, its secondary window is used for showing and editing details of identifier selected in the primary window. In :numref:`figure-Sunflower-GUI-file-navigator-text-editor-plugins.png`, this window shows the details of individual **Aaron** and all his properties.