.. _section-Query Execution from Text Editor: Query Execution from Text Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A query highlighted in the **Text Editor** can be executed with the right-click menu in the **Text Editor**. Query labels should not be part of the highlighted query. Otherwise it will result in a syntax error. .. figure:: ../../figs/Queries-right-click-text-editor.png :alt: Execute a highlighted query with the right-click menu in **Text Editor** Execute a highlighted query with the right-click menu in **Text Editor** A highlighted query in the **Text Editor** can also be executed with the **Execute Query** option from the **Sunflower** main navigation tab. .. figure:: ../../figs/Queries-sunflower.png :alt: Execute a highlighted query in the **Text Editor** with **Sunflower > Execute Query** Execute a highlighted query in the **Text Editor** with **Sunflower > Execute Query**