.. _section-Text Editor Preferences: Text Editor Preferences ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The **Text Editor** is used to edit Flora ontology files. To customize preferences for the **Text Editor**, select **Preferences**, expand **Sunflower Preferences** and select **Flora Editor Preferences**, as shown in :numref:`figure-Sunflower-GUI-customize-text-editor.png`. .. _figure-Sunflower-GUI-customize-text-editor.png: .. figure:: ../../figs/Sunflower-GUI-customize-text-editor.png :alt: Customizing color and auto-completion preferences for **Sunflower** plugin **Text Editor** Customizing color and auto-completion preferences for **Sunflower** plugin **Text Editor** Here, color preferences for displaying various Flora elements such as constants, keywords, delimiters, and comments, which are also discussed in Section :ref:`section-Editing Support in Text Editor`, as well as auto-completion preferences for braces, brackets, parentheses, comments, and quotes, can all be customized. To customize preferences for tab width and whether or not to insert spaces for indentations, go to **Preferences**, expand **General** and **Editors**, then click to select **Text Editors**, as shown in :numref:`figure-Sunflower-GUI-customize-text-editor-2.png`. .. _figure-Sunflower-GUI-customize-text-editor-2.png: .. figure:: ../../figs/Sunflower-GUI-customize-text-editor-2.png :alt: Customizing size of tab width and whether to use spaces for tabs in **Text Editor** Customizing size of tab width and whether to use spaces for tabs in **Text Editor**