.. _section-Sunflower Console: Sunflower Console ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The **Sunflower Console** shows outputs from the Flora2 reasoner. This output includes execution statements, warnings and errors. To change the color preferences used in this windows, select **Preferences**, expand **Sunflower Preferences** and select **Sunflower Console Preferences**. Each color scheme used can be customized by clicking the corresponding color box, then choosing a different color from the color table, as shown in :numref:`figure-Sunflower-GUI-customize-sunflower-console.png`. .. _figure-Sunflower-GUI-customize-sunflower-console.png: .. figure:: ../../figs/Sunflower-GUI-customize-sunflower-console.png :alt: Customizing color settings for **Sunflower Console** Customizing color settings for **Sunflower Console** The level of output details in the **Sunflower Console** window can also be customized, as discussed in Section :ref:`section-Sunflower Logging`.