.. _section-Query Result Preferences: Query Result Preferences ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The **Sunflower Query Result** plugin is used for presenting query results to the user. There are 3 settings which are configurable for this plugin. To access them, select **Preferences**, expand **Sunflower Preferences** and select **Query Result Preferences**, as shown in :numref:`figure-Sunflower-GUI-customize-query-result.png`. The effects of changing these settings from their pre-configured values are outlined below. .. _figure-Sunflower-GUI-customize-query-result.png: .. figure:: ../../figs/Sunflower-GUI-customize-query-result.png :alt: Customizing settings for **Sunflower** plugin **Query Results** Customizing settings for **Sunflower** plugin **Query Results** Select **Pretty** for **Display Table Results** improves readability of query result output. **Pretty** enforces the following for result presentation: - Suppress syntax highlighting, i.e. make all text black - Remove namespace prefixes - Remove single and double quotes - Remove datatypes like ^^\\dateTime - Round numbers The recommended setting for **Reload active file after each Query** is **No** because reloading of active file with every query may slow down **Sunflower** significantly. However, when using transactional update operations, setting it to **Yes** is necessary for predictable query results. The **Limit Trace/Debug Depth** setting tells **Sunflower** whether long proof trees should be cut off by showing **‘More...’** in the GUI. **Yes** is advised for this setting because proof trees can get very deep and therefore can take a long time to compute.