.. _section-Changing Sunflower's Memory Setting: Changing Sunflower's Memory Setting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _section-memory-setting: Sometimes it is useful to increase the memory allocation for **Sunflower**, especially when dealing with large .flr files or KB. A larger memory allocation will yield better **Sunflower** performance. If **Sunflower** is running, exit it before changing its memory setting. To change memory allocation for **Sunflower**, edit the Sunflower Studio CE.ini file. On Windows, this file can be found in the **Sunflower** installation folder. On the Mac, this file is in the folder Sunflower Studio CE.app/Contents/MacOS. In Sunflower Studio CE.ini, the 2 lines immediately following -vmargs specify the minimum and maximum memory allocations for **Sunflower**. To increase the maximum amount of memory allocated, change the line which has -Xmx, as shown in :numref:`figure-sunflower-ini-file.png`. For example, change it from -Xmx2g to -Xmx3g, and save the file. Next time **Sunflower** runs, this new setting will take effect and allow a maximum of 3GB of memory instead of the default 2GB. .. _figure-sunflower-ini-file.png: .. figure:: ../../figs/sunflower-ini-file.png :alt: Change 1 line in {\tt Sunflower Studio CE.ini} to allocate more memory for **Sunflower** Change 1 line in Sunflower Studio CE.ini to allocate more memory for **Sunflower**