.. _section-Creating/Deleting a Class Property Creating/Deleting a Class Property ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click to highlight **Person** in the taxonomy window. Tables for **Person** appear in the editing window. We will use the **Add a class property to the class** button located to the left of the **Class Properties** table, as shown in :numref:`figure-KB-Editor-add-class-property-button.png`, to add a new class property. .. _figure-KB-Editor-add-class-property-button.png: .. figure:: ../../../figs/KB-Editor-add-class-property-button.png :alt: Use **Add a class property to the class** button to add a new class property to **Person** Use **Add a class property to the class** button to add a new class property to **Person** Click the **Add a class property to the class** button in the editing window. A new row appears in the Class Properties table, ready to be edited. Two new buttons appear to the left of the new row, a **green check mark** for saving the edit and a **red forbidden sign** for canceling. Pull-down menus are available for each field which can be selected from existing choices in the KB. These are shown in :numref:`figure-KB-Editor-add-class-property-pulldown.png`. .. _figure-KB-Editor-add-class-property-pulldown.png: .. figure:: ../../../figs/KB-Editor-add-class-property-pulldown.png :alt: Save, cancel and pull-down menus of **Add a class property to the class** Save, cancel and pull-down menus of **Add a class property to the class** An expandable entry in a pull-down menu has a **[+]** symbol to its left. Otherwise it has a **[0]** symbol. Click **[+]** to see the expanded menu choices. Once the list is expanded, **[+]** is replaced by **[-]**, as shown in :numref:`figure-KB-Editor-add-class-property-pulldown-expanded.png`. Click **[-]** and the expanded list will be collapsed. .. _figure-KB-Editor-add-class-property-pulldown-expanded.png: .. figure:: ../../../figs/KB-Editor-add-class-property-pulldown-expanded.png :alt: Expanded choice list in pull-down menu Expanded choice list in pull-down menu Click in the Property field to enable it for edit. Type in weight for the field. Use the pull-down menus to select Remaining Classes -> integer, range, More Min -> 0 and More Max -> 1 for the Value, Kind, Min and Max fields respectively. Click the **green check mark** to save the row. The new row is now saved to the Class Properties table. The new class property also appears in family.flr, as shown in :numref:`figure-KB-Editor-class-property-saved.png`. To keep this new class property for **Person** permanently, family.flr must be saved explicitly in the **Text Editor**. .. _figure-KB-Editor-class-property-saved.png: .. figure:: ../../../figs/KB-Editor-class-property-saved.png :alt: Property **weight** is added to class **Person** Property **weight** is added to class **Person** To delete a class property, use the trash can or **Delete** icon next to the property row. For example, click the trash can icon located to the left of **weight**, as illustrated in :numref:`figure-KB-Editor-remove-class-property.png`. The row should be removed from the **Class Properties** table, and the class property should be removed from family.flr as well. As in the case of adding a new class property, family.flr must be explicitly saved in the **Text Editor** in order for the deleted class property to be permanently removed. .. _figure-KB-Editor-remove-class-property.png: .. figure:: ../../../figs/KB-Editor-remove-class-property.png :alt: Use trash can or Delete icon to remove class property **weight** Use trash can or Delete icon to remove class property **weight**