.. _section-Editing one or more Individual Properties: Editing one or more Individual Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To edit multiple properties of an individual at the same time, click to select the individual in the taxonomy window, for example, **Benjamin**, then click the **Edit all individual properties of an individual** button to the top left of the **Individual Properties** table, as shown in :numref:`figure-KB-Editor-edit-all-properties-button.png`. .. _figure-KB-Editor-edit-all-properties-button.png: .. figure:: ../../../../figs/KB-Editor-edit-all-properties-button.png :alt: Button to enable editing of one or more properties of an individual Button to enable editing of one or more properties of an individual The **Edit all individual properties of an individual** button and the button to its left turn into a **red forbidden** sign and a **green check mark** respectively. Editing is now enabled for all Benjamin's individual properties which are editable, as shown in :numref:`figure-KB-Editor-edit-all-properties-buttons-change.png`. Modify one or more properties and their values as described in Sections :ref:`section-Adding an Individual Property` and :ref:`section-Editing an Individual Property`, then save by clicking the **green check mark**. During edit, the **red forbidden** sign can be used to cancel editing at any time. .. _figure-KB-Editor-edit-all-properties-buttons-change.png: .. figure:: ../../../../figs/KB-Editor-edit-all-properties-buttons-change.png :alt: Save and cancel buttons during editing of one or more properties of an individual Save and cancel buttons during editing of one or more properties of an individual